The Big 5 of auto insurance coverage

Driving a car on the open road in the West is one of the great things we enjoy. But it's important to be protected when you're on the road. So talk to your professional insurance agent about The Big 5 of auto insurance coverage. Liability Insurance is there if you're the at fault driver in an auto accident. Uninsured and Under insured Motorist Coverage helps pay if the other driver's auto insurance doesn't cover the cost of your injuries or damage. Personal Injury Protection Insurance is there in case people in your vehicle or you yourself are injured in an accident. Collision Coverage helps pay to repair your car after a collision. Comprehensive coverage also helps pay to repair your car if say, a tree limb falls on it. These are important protections for your vehicle. Talk to your professional insurance agent today about The Big 5. Check out the NW Insurance Council's website for more information. Drive safe out there!

The Big 5 of auto insurance coverage