Facebook and Apple Wars Preserve for This Reason..!

Last Saturday, Ashkan Soltani, a technological researcher, broadcast in Twitter social communications. A Screenshot image of a Facebook Company using the word "Help Keep Facebook Free of Charge» " to urge users to unify their follow-up.

With the iOS 14.five working devices for iPhone, Apple has introduced the capability requiring software builders to spark off reminders customers concerning downloading privateness facts and tracking users from one utility to another.

With this new feature, you'll have the selection of whether you may allow the utility to song the usage You "allow tracking" or you may ask you now not to tune the corporation «Ask App, not to Track»

If you select no longer to display the app, Apple will close software program developers from downloading identification for advertising and marketing commercial enterprise (Identifier for Advertisers or IDFA). And if they preserve to try and song users, their packages may be deleted from Apple's App Store.

It must additionally be cited that whilst you close down, there's no monitoring of «Ask App not to Track » FB can still retain to track the locks locate you when you use the app, but they cannot handiest share or download statistics from different programs.

To shield privateness data and avoid monitoring the organization, you must near the "Ask A monitoring 

Senate Postpones Recess so that they will subtract Your attention

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced earlier this week that the Senate is going to delay their August recess by two weeks so that he and his Republican cohorts can continue working on their disastrous Republican health care plan.

Now according to McConnell, they've also got a couple other items that they need to take care of, potentially processing some of Donald Trump's nominees, which both Republicans and the Trump White House are blaming on Democrats saying that they're obstructing the entire process when in reality, Donald Trump has not nominated people for a majority of the positions that are currently available.

Really the health care thing is the big project that Republicans are trying to work on. Currently the Senate version of the legislation is stalled due to the fact that the ultra-conservativewing of the party and the slightly more moderate wing of the Republican party can't come to terms on how many people we should kick off their health insurance plans because at the heart of it, that's what this is all about.

It's not about Republicans not wanting to hurt people. It's about the more conservative wing of the party wanting to cut funding for programs like Medicaid even further than the Senate bill already does. They're not trying to make it better. They're actually trying to make it worse. After seven years of complete failure to bring up any kind of plan to replace the Affordable Care Act, I'm sure that the extra two weeks Mitch McConnell is giving his Republican sin the Senate absolutely going to be more than enough time.

Think about it folks, seven years. Seven years Republicans have been whining and complaining about the Affordable Care Act, saying that they want to replace it with something else, and they couldn't come up with a replacement bill. McConnell says, "All right, two more weeks. "After seven years, two more weeks ought to be what really gives us that little extra push to go ahead and do it.

Now look, I usually am completely against the Senate and the House basically taking off the entire month of August. It's not fair. Average American workers do not get that same benefit. It's not fair that our government legislative body basically shuts down for an entire month out of the year. However, in this particular instance, I am firmly against the Senate postponing their recess. Why?

Because they're postponing it to take away health care privileges from millions of American citizens, and to be honest, I shouldn't even say health care privileges. The right to health care from 22 or 23 million American citizens is what's at stake here.

They're going to stay back for an extra two weeks to figure out how to convince all of the Republicans in that Senate chamber to come on board with this plan that is according to experts, according to analysis of this legislation, it's going to get people killed. Anywhere between 18,000 and 24,000 people a year will die as a result of this Republican health care plan.

They're going to postpone their vacation, their precious time off, just to make sure that they get this legislation passed so that tens of thousands of people every year die due to lack of access to health care coverage because Republicans took it away from them.

Why Healthcare is so Expensive

How do insurance monopolies and government subsidies lead to higher health care costs? Here's an example to explain why: When you go to the gas station and you want to buy a six-pack of beer it costs around six or seven dollars, but when you go to the restaurant and you buy just ONE BEER it also costs around six or seven dollars.  This is because restaurants know that people who can afford to go and dine out can also afford to pay more for beer.

The restaurants charge them more so they can make as much money as possible. Health care works the same way; health care providers like pharmaceutical companies and hospitals know that insurance companies and the government can pay more for healthcare than individual consumers, so they charge them more so the hospitals make as much money as possible.

What's the solution to the problem then? It's a free-market health care system that gives consumers choice!When you go to the supermarket and you want to buy bread you see you have multiple options, a lot of companies to choose from.  If one of those companies decided to charge people more for bread no one will buy from them because they have so many other options.

Healthcare should work the same way!​​ The problem is that there are so many regulations; small and locally owned insurance companies cannot afford to comply with these regulations.  So therefore, there is not a lot of competition and monopolies take over! Regulations should be minimized; that way more insurance companies can compete with one another and charge lower prices.

If one of the companies charges more then no one's going to buy from them and then look at the other options! Likewise, healthcare providers are going to realize that those small insurance companies cannot afford to pay so much money for healthcare so they will ha veto lower their prices! A free-market capitalist healthcare and insurance industry are what work best for consumers and struggling families.  It lowers their prices and it gives them so many options to choose.

Healthy Tips: A inexperienced Juice That Hydrates Your Brain And Removes Migraines !

A inexperienced Juice That Hydrates Your Brain And Removes Migraines ! There are three minerals that are of crucial importance in serving to with head ache pain, those are:

1. Potassium,
2. Magnesium,
3. Calcium. 

This is the full recipe of the juice and this is all you need:

Spinach leaves by preference (use as much as you want),
2 cups green grapes,
2 green peppers,
1 green apple,
¼ lemon,
1 inch ginger root.

This juice reduces the number of migraines and in some cases, it totally prevents the attacks. I order to get the best results and for the juice to be effective you need to eat healthy too.

I order to induce the simplest results and for the juice to be effective you would like to eat healthy too. Food and drinks that are familiar causes of migraines and inflammation ought to be avoided altogether. Consumption of fatty foods, sugar, sweeteners, white flour food, alcohol, dairy, artificial foods, additives, some nuts, and chocolates ought to be avoided indefinitely.

what foods are healthy for you

Death toll rises to 21 in Japan's southwest after torrential downpours

TOKYO, (Xinhua) -- The death toll following torrential rainfall in southwestern Japan last week rose to 21 on Monday, with scores of people still unaccounted for in the hardest-hit regions, local officials said.

More than 2,000 Self-Defense Forces personnel alongside local search and rescue members continued with emergency rescue work on Monday in Fukuoka and Oita prefectures, according to local media.

Around 180 people are still cut off by heavy flooding and landslides in both prefectures, as 1,700 people remain camped out in emergency evacuation shelters, local officials said.

Municipal officials in Fukuoka Prefecture said Monday that more than 20 people in the prefecture are still missing, with concerns mounting as the weather agency here has warned that powerful thunderstorms may again batter the already rain-ravaged region's in Japan's southwest on Monday evening.

On Saturday, the police discovered five bodies in the Ariake Sea, which is not in the immediate vicinity of the disaster-hit areas.

They believe the bodies may have been washed downstream along the Chikugo River, which flows through Kumamoto, Oita, Fukuoka and Saga prefectures, and into the sea.

Local police said on Monday morning they had found another body in a river in Fukuoka Prefecture's Asakura, one of the hardest-hit areas.

Landslides at 41 locations, and flooding and overflowing of rivers at 38 locations spanning 5 prefectures affected by the disaster have been reported, the land and transport ministry said as of Monday morning.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said in a press briefing on the matter Monday that the government will, in cooperation with local officials, analyze the extent of the deluge.

Following this, a quick decision will be made as to whether the government will designate the calamity a "severe disaster" in which case government subsidies for reconstruction and restoration will be made available, Japan's top government spokesperson said.

Hot News

Health Tips: Best nutritional foods to eat for Blocked Arteries

The best healthy foods to unblock at least as progress as progress is one of the best vegetables it is full of fiber and minerals, it is rich in with a min V, 1 V 2 C K and E it helps to lower blood pressure and prevent blood clots that causes serious cardiovascular diseases broccoli, broccoli is rich in vitamin K which helps to prevent calcification or hardening of arteries it prevents oxidation of LDL cholesterol which leads to serious heart conditions it is rich in heart-healthy fiber it normalized.

Blood pressure and reduces stress avocado studies have shown that daily conduction of avocado improves blood cholesterol and decreases triglyceride and in the end it helps your blood flowing smoothly it is rich in protein fibers and so many vitamins and antioxidant coconut oil regular consumption of 2 to 3 spoons of coconut oil daily can help to reduce plaque buildup in the arteries Chia seeds they help to keep our cheese clean by regulating blood pressure by reducing LDL

Cholesterol it lowers triglycerides and increases LDL cholesterol, they are rich in fiber and alpha-linolenic acid, which keeps blocks clears proteins and nutrients present in this super food can help to make any workout feel just a little bit easier coffee to contrary coffee is not bad to your health studies have found that drinking coffee daily can reduce your risk of heart diseases can believe it is an another antioxidant rich food which helps to improve cardiovascular health, it reduces LDL and rises HT enjoy serving 100% pure can berry juice daily to protect your heart orange juice drinking two cups of orange juice without sugar can improve blood pressure and reduce inflammation of arteries, it is rich in vitamin C and a great source of antioxidant which helps to keep arteries clean and preventing oxidative damage in the bloodstream by taking a bow healthy food you can clear the blockage in arteries.

Best nutritional foods to eat

Health Tips: Foods for healthy living, the best way to lose weigh

Cardiologist Suggests 5-Day Diet: a Safe Way to Lose 15 Pounds Diet is a important part of our lifestyle.  For those of us who are overweight, those extra pounds greatly increase our health risks – including risks of diabetes, gallbladder disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and even a wide range of cancers.

Of course, living at a healthy weight lowers your risks tremendously. The diet below was designed by a European cardiologist.  The primary source of protein on this diet are eggs, we recommend that you purchase organic eggs.  Same is true for the fresh fruits you choose.

Foods for healthy living

You’ll always have it at hand and what’s more, when paired with thirty minutes of daily exercise, it can help you safely lose up to fifteen pounds! This is a very simple diet.

The breakfast each day is the same: 1 piece of your favorite fruit, anything but grapes or bananas.  A serving of blackberries or blueberries will also provide needed antioxidants.

Day 1 Lunch: 1 orange, a cup of yogurt, 1 egg Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 2 pieces of toast,½ a cucumber or a small bowl of lettuce, 2 tomatoes Day 2 Lunch: 1 orange, a cup of yogurt, 1 boiled egg Dinner: a piece of toast, 125 gr.  of red meat, a cup of tea or coffee with no sugar, 1 orange Day 3Lunch: 1 cucumber, 1 orange, 1 boiled egg Dinner: 125 gr.  of cooked red meat, 1 orange,a piece of toast, a cup of coffee or tea with no sugar Day 4 Lunch: a piece of toast, 1 orange, 125 gr.  of cottage cheese Dinner: the same as day 3

Day 5 Lunch: a piece of toast, 200 gr.  of cooked meat or fish, 1 tomato Dinner: ½ a pound of cooked carrots, potatoes and peas We recommend following the protocol above for a five-day cycle, followed by a two-day rest, before restarting the cycle.  Vegetables should be cooked without salt, and alcohol should be entirely avoided.  If you currently suffer health issues, consult with your doctor first.
Foods for healthy living

Health Tips: Healthy food eating be safe

Healthy food eating be safe 

We'll be looking at healthy eating and the different types of food that we can eat stay healthy. We will also looks at foods which we should only eat sometimes as a treat because they don't have what our body needs to be healthy.

The key to eating well and keeping your body healthy is to enjoy a variety of foods from each of the five food groups. Let's take a look at each group, the different foods in them and some examples of the healthy meals we can enjoy.

# Grains - muesli for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and rice dish for dinner.
# Vegetables - salads for lunch, a roast and vegetables or stir fries for dinner.
# Fruit - enjoy with breakfast, as a lunchtime snack and a healthy choice for dessert.
# Dairy - milk in your cereal, yogurt for breakfast or cheese in your sandwich.
# Protein - scrambled eggs for breakfast, lean meats, fish or beans and lentils for dinner.

And don't forget to drink water regularly. Foods can be high in sugar and fat which our bodies don't need but we're allowed to have these sometimes. These can be treat such as jelly, soft drinks, cookies, chocolate, ice cream,fast foods and hot chips. If we eat these foods too often we can feel tired, sick, have tooth decay, weight gain or even diabetes.

Different foods affect our bodies and how we feel. Protein helps us build strong muscles and muscles help our bodies move. Dairy help us have strong bones and teeth. Grains provide our body with energy to keep us active. Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals which keep our immune system strong so we don't get sick.

At Bedford, our cafeterias offer both healthy options and treat foods. If you are not sure, ask a staff member to help you make a healthy choice. If you are bringing lunch from home, you can ask your parents or support person to help you pack a healthy lunch. Look out for the traffic light system posters in your workplace that show what foods we should eat and how often. Remember, we need to eat foods from all the food groups to feel our best.

Healthy food eating

How do you get health insurance?

A great many people get medical coverage through their bosses or associations to which they have a place. This is called bunch protection. A few individuals don't have admittance to gathering protection. They might buy their own particular individual medical coverage specifically from an insurance agency. Numerous Americans get medical coverage through government programs that work at the national, State, what's more, nearby levels. Samples incorporate Medicare, Medicaid, and 
programs keep running by the Department of Veterans Affairs and Division of Defense.

My Own Health Insurance.

Being healthy has its own rewards. The more you do, the more you accomplish. And the more you accomplish, the more you feel rewarded. That's why my Own has partnered with AIA Vitality. Basically, you look after your health,and AIA Vitality will reward you for it. my Own has a range of different covers that make it easy to choose an option that suits you. 

You can just pick hospital,but if you choose an extras package,we won't just give you competitive rates -you'll get 50%-70% back from any accredited provider up to your annual limits. Plus, with AIA Vitality included,we're changing the way we do health insurance. 

Basically, the more you put in, the more you'll get out through AIA Vitality rewards like vouchers, discounts and other incentives. So the more you do,the more AIA Vitality points you'll earn. The more points you earn,the more it can support your healthy lifestyle. The more you're living a healthier lifestyle,the more you'll be rewarded for it. So the more you do,the more we'll do to give back to you.

Learn how to make $1,000 + per day online using Facebook in 2017

Learn how to make $1,000 + per day online using Facebook in 2017. The Government Is Playing You… And You Don’t Even Realize It! The truth is, it’s NOT your fault… but it IS your responsibility!

It’s time to face the TRUTH. The whole "Be a good little boy/girl. Get good grades. Got to college. Find a good job. Put away money into your retirement account and you’ll be just fine." charade is COLLAPSING right under our noses.

You’ve been lead to believe that happiness and security were waiting for you...if only you did as you were told. You’ve been told that as long you followed the path society laid out for you, you’d be ok. You were told that the government would protect you…

That the school system would educate you… And that your corporate job would take care of you, like you took care of them. But chances are that’s NOT working out as planned for you...
Surveys show 1 in 3 Americans have NO retirement savings.

Surveys show most Americans don't have even $1,000 in their bank account. And this may sound crazy...but surveys show that only 20% of Americans are free of debt. Horrifying stats yes...but honestly, not surprising.

Not when millions of students nationwide borrow as much as $40K A YEAR with the dream of getting a degree that’s supposed to open doors for them…

Only to face being forced back to their parents’ place, because there just aren’t any jobs for their line of work.As if that wasn’t enough, it seems like every decent paying job is either being replaced by automation through software or robots…

Or it’s being shipped overseas so companies can save a few dollars on payrolls.
It’s no wonder that a new report from the McKinsey Global Institute titled "Poorer than their Parents: Flat or Falling Incomes in Advanced Economies," shows a drastic trend in declining incomes for middle class workers.

The report found that as much as 70% of households saw their earnings drop in the past decade.
To put it bluntly: Those who had been taught to expect their wealth to grow as long as they obediently followed society’s path of choice, have learned that this promise is a LIE.
Look the reality is that the ruling minority is interested in having an obedient, loyal workforce practically enslaved by debt.

So if you chose to believe the lie and headed down this dead-end path... it’s NOT your fault. We’ve ALL been played.

But it IS your RESPONSIBILITY to do something about it - and guarantee that you and your family will NOT be played anymore.

The first step is to embrace this truth…and the next step is to get educated on what’s REALLY going on right now. And today you’re in luck…

Because my friend and mentor David Sharpe just released his newest training video, and it is an ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH if you’re ready to WAKE UP, face the truth and DO something about it:

All you have to do is tell Dave where to send it to you and you’ll be able to watch it IMMEDIATELY. Are you ready to make a change?
Then click the link above and get ready to take ACTION!

Learn how to make $1,000 + per day online using Facebook in 2017

Some Tips to Grow Facebook Business Page

Well, the first thing is that it indicates popularity. The number of fans that you have reveals how popular a website is. A business page with more than 1,000 fans is more popular than a page with 100 likes. It also indicates trust. In today's world, a successful business, website or blog needs to have a lot of Facebook fans. Social proof is important! And having more fans on your Facebook page indicates more visits. The more fans you have, the number of people who will see your posts will increase.

Take Advantage Of Your Personal Facebook Account

Here are some ways that you can use your personal page to grow your business page:

After you post an update on your business page, one of the ways to increase exposure and likes is to share that post on your personal page. This is because people that you have as friends on your personal page are more likely to like and interact with that specific post shared from your business page.

This helps increase the number of people that view your posts and go past the 4% of your fan base on your business page. Be sure to invite all your existing friends and new ones to like your business page. I do this about every week, and it does help me get likes to my page.

Add A Facebook Like Box On Your Website

This is a way to associate your website with your Facebook business page. It's a way to tell search engines that this is your official Facebook business page. When you get a lot of fans, this is something that you should be proud of, and something to show your users. It's a great way to grow your fan base organically. Your readers can follow your website by clicking the like button without having to go to Facebook.

Promote Your Own Content

Just because you create a page, don't expect that it will magically get thousands of fans. You also have to promote your business page in other than Facebook.

Promote on other social media networks. If you have accounts with other social media channels, such as Google+ and Pinterest, you can periodically ask your followers to join you on Facebook as well. Be polite and explain to them the benefits from doing so.

Promote on Twitter - besides posting about your Facebook page on other social media networks, you can take advantage of Twitter's interactive features. When you get a new Twitter follower, send them a personalized message and ask them to follow you on Facebook (personal and business page). It is time-consuming but it can produce really great results.

Promote your page in a newsletter - If you have a newsletter, or if you communicate with your readers via email, make sure that you ask them to follow your Facebook page.

credit to : Symone Redmond


Years are passing by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt and any unwanted bacteria entering our body.

With time, salt accumulates in our kidney and it needs to undergo cleaning treatment.
How are we going to do this?
Here is an easy, cheap and simple way to do it.
Take a bunch of fresh green corriander leaves and wash it clean. Cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot. Pour clean water and boil it for ten minutes and let it cool down.
Next filter it and pour it in a clean bottle and keep it in the refrigerator to cool.
Drink one glass everyday and you will notice all salt and other accumulated impurities coming out of your kidneys during urination. You will be able to notice the difference yourself!
Fresh green CORIANDER is known as the best cleaning treatment for kidneys and the best part is, it is natural!


Make Fake FB Account without email and Mobile Number in Just 1 Min

Make Fake FB Account without email and Mobile Number in Just 1 Min

1. ) Open 10minutemail.com (10 min is disposal email website)
2. ) In 10min website,this website give you a temporary email, copy this email.
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4. ) Click on Sign Up ,your account will we created on facebook.
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Bruce Lee To Rul for Success

[Lee]: Lay off[Narrator]: He's a legend for a reason Welcome to Watchmojo. com and today we'll be counting down the top 10 Bruce Lee's moments Kicking off our list is the scene in which Lee's character is ambushed and out numbered in an ice factory. Though unarmed, his attacker soon learned that they made a big mistake when he starts improvising. One of the poor saps even get thrown through a wall, Road Runner style. Seriously, with all those ice picks laying around, is this not the worst place to pick a fight with Bruce Lee? [Man]: Chinese Kung Fu.

[Narrator]: In this flick, Lee is sent to Rome to help his family fight the local mafia. When he's taking into a back alley to be rubbed out, Lee quickly turns the tide. Interestingly, the bad guys regroup, and are laughably ordered to kill him without using their guns. [Man]: Go and get him. . .  but no guns

[Narrator]: This allows Lee to pull two sets of nunchucks out of nowhere, and wope the thugs good and proper. No, for real though, where did he get those?When Lee finds his way into the villain's top-secret undergound layer,he is forced to get topless and take out the countless henchmen in his path. This fight keeps intensifying as he upgrades his weapons with every defeated opponent. This include a stick, metal rod and finally, nunchucks. It's almost a shame the bad guys eventually stop coming cause this could've gotten a lot crazier.

Oh baby, here we go.  It's yellow jumpsuit time. In a high point of this posthumous film,Lee battles the shades wearing 7-foot-2 basketball player, Kareem Abdul-JabbarAt 5-foot-6, Lee looks positively dwarfish next to his opponent. As has happened in every Kung Fu movie. . .  ever,the smaller Lee manages to use his opponent's size against him and leaves him breathless. In this especially personal confrontation,[Lee]: Boards don't hit back.

[Narrator]: Lee comes face to face against the bearded, sadistic and facially scraced O'Hara in a martial arts tournament. The man who caused his sister to committed suicide, Lee beats him to a pop without ever taking a scratch. When O'Hara breaks the rules, Lee does more then hurt him, he goes right for his brains. . .  both of them. This flick see Lee on a quest for revenge against those who killed his master. This leads him to face Petrov, a sinister, suspender-wearing Russian played by Robert Baker, one of Lee's own Jeet Kune Do students.  This fight is memorable for its punishing action and dry humor as Lee confounds his foe with smirks and blurry hand movements. He even bites the dude's leg! What martial art school is that from?[Man]: So you wanna see how good you are, then you must be tired of living!

[Man]: Surround him![Narrator]: This is the fight that helped transition Hong Kong action flicks from sword play to bare-handed fighting. With Lee's dead master mopped by a rival school, he shows up on their door step to teach them respect. This ballsy move pays off as he takes on the whole Dojo single-handedly. Of cause, he has to do this topless while creating a human hurricane, laying the beat down with nunchucks and ultimately making them eat their own words.

[Lee]: This time you are eating paper, the next time it's gonna be glass. [Narrator]: This classic see Lee as a man who has sworn an oath of non-violence, but is forced to break that pledge in a big way. Specifically, to confront the man who murdered his family. Ultimately, Lee manages to win by deflecting a knife throwbefore going Mortal Kombat and thrusting his fingers into his enemy's chest. Striking with every bit of energy he's got, ultimately collapses in fatigue.

[Lee]: You have offended my family and you have offended the Shao Lin Temple. [Narrator]: In the last fight of his most famous film, Lee finally finds himself up against the claw wearing Mr.  Han. A fighting which he acquire the scratches across his body and face that became the most iconic image of his career. The fight goes totally surreal when he's led into a chamber of mirrors and forced to divide superstition. Taking the top spot on our list is cinemas ultimate East-versus-West showdown that pitted Lee against Lorries in the Rome Colosseum. Everything here is legendary,from Lee's crackling preparation to systematically coaxing, taunting and tearing down his opponent. Under the watchful eye of a stray cat. A ruling encounter, neither opponent shies away from fighting dirty. Remarkably, brutal though their fight was, Lee cannot walk away without acknowledging a worthy adversary. Agree with our list?[Man]: How do you like that?Which Bruce "Freakin" Lee moment is your favourite?For more entertaining top 10s, be sure to subscribe to WatchMojo. com.

How to Create an Online Course with Learning WordPress

Here is the course title below is the course description this is when you can write all about your courses what is about who should learn is about everything to prostrate your student to buy the course below is the curriculum setting you can divide your courses into sections.

There will be different lessons and quizzes in each section there is a lesson it's type the name of the lesson here to create a lesson and we will edit content later you can add as many questions as you would like if there is no sections in your course you can just leave it blank or app is named we this was the same way and there are very many types you can add with title now and edit quiz later if you have already made some letters or quizzes you can add them to the course by clicking select lessons or select quiz and choose them.

However one lessons or one quiz can only be assigned to a course so if you have added this quiz to another course you cannot add it to this course then we will go to general course settings there are many things you can set up like the course duration you can use days or months or even hours you can also specify the maximum numbers of students the number of students who are enrolled in the course.

How many times your students can retake the course you can even set external link to by causes there is exceptionally helpful if you have some courses on udemy and you want to link your course to these courses you can see many other types in these settings like assessment payment settings when you can specify the price for the course review lock and your and auto settings setting other people to be the co-author here you can add many things like images types YouTube of email videos of email videos HTML codes tables and lists and of course link you can use the editor to do many things there is also where you can add salt cause of other plugins.

We will at courses category and course that you can also set featured image for courses if you are using one of our premium team you may even be able to add features video and save courses now we will see how your courses will look like on a default WordPress theme this is the featured image below are some course content because description with the in row button here is a curriculum.

Showing all lessons and quizzes it's also displayed which lessons is preview if a lesson is previewed you can review it without having to pay for it here is how lessons will be display currently there is no content in the lessons since we haven't added any content yet there is a quizzes let's go back and add some content adding content to question is similar to adding posts you can add questions contents with some images etc.

Let's add some more text below are some lesson settings you can add more settings if you install extended learn press add-on and save that's it very easy to it’s very easy to add lessons content there is the result let’s edit question anything questions is a little bit more complicated you will need to add questions content choose question types for example multiple choices and add some answers choose which one is correct there are many question types you can add more if you can so edges Noland Press and on you can also add existing questions by using the button add existing question let’s add another question let's a single choice it was the same now we will try some two on four questions below are some general quiz settings like so are high questions so correct answer the total duration for the pieces you can also define the passing rate price if you click on the edit button of 8 questions you will open more advanced functions for each questions like hints explanations or Squalet's just save and edit them later here is our quiz after edited you can attempt three times the duration is 10 minutes.

There are three questions with the link below and if you've got higher than 80% you will pass currently you cannot take quiz now because you have an arrow to the course let’s go buy an arrow you will see the notice that you have enroll in the course there are 15 other students who have enrolled to coming back to the course content now you will notice that for any lessons you learned.

There will be an eye icon mapping that the lesson is learnt let's take the quizzes and check how it works now that we have submitted the enter you can see many things like we take a score correct answer and so on let’s see how hints and explanation works edit the quizzes Eddie's questions number one let's add some explanations and hints also less general score on the single questions to ten and save coming back to the course we will retake the calls answer the first question is there is Hint here is him and we submit and the score is now 10 over 12 because we got 10 scores for the first questions and whiskey the other two questions below you can see the explanations.

Squirm Spinner - Hand Spinner Fidget Toy Tips and Tricks

Triune Spinner by Pocket Fidget and we're going to use it today in this demonstration. The most basic move for a fidget spinner is to spin it on a table and it's simply placing it on a table top using your index finger to hold the spinner in place and then your other index finger to give it a spin. With a hybrid ceramic bearing in this Triune Spinner you can see that it will spin quite well it could spin up to 2 minutes worth of time. You could also see that it's not wobbling around or moving and that's a sign of a great spinner.

But that's probably not why you bought a fidget spinner you probably bought a fidget spinner so that you could fidget with it at work to get rid of some anxiety some ADD, ADHD to help you in that And you can do that by using your thumb and index finger and placing them on the top and bottom center caps of the spinner The easiest way would be to use your other hand to spin the spinner simply like this But the best way, so you can get some work done is to use your thumb and index finger again on the center caps and then wedge your middle finger between the bearings on the tri spinner .

Give it a flick like that and you'll see that it spins But you can stop it with your middle finger, flip it around Just continue to fidget with it all day long But if you're just having some fun with it you might take your thumb and your middle finger place it on the caps then your index finger to give it a good spin and you can attempt to try to edge it from hand to hand that's not too difficult if you put your fingers on the outer circle of the center cap but then you might want to try to toss it from hand to hand gets a little more difficult I've seen some guys on YouTube passing it pretty far and it looks pretty exciting Pocket Fidget is going to launch the Triune Spinner here in just a bit and we want to get it into your hand sand so if you visit our website pocketfidget.com and give us your email, we're going to send you a coupon code to get this fidget spinner for only a dollar so don't miss the opportunity to get your hands on the latest toy for 2017 that could help you through your work day we'll see you soon

Squirm Spinner - Hand Spinner Fidget Toy Tips and Tricks

The Flying Car is an all-electric aircraft that's designed to 'fly' over water.

While we have a tendency to all expect totally self-driving vehicles to form their debut in showrooms nationwide, another hot construct is getting ready to require flight later this year: the flying automobile.

On Monday, Kitty Hawk — the startup earning Associate in Nursing investment from Google co-founder Larry Page — disclosed the Kitty Hawk Flyer, Associate in Nursing ultralight craft launching later this year. valuation are discovered nearer to launch.
The Flyer primarily feels like an enormous drone, with the driving force sitting on high. It falls below the ultralight class, in line with Federal Aviation Administration rules. However, homeowners will not want a pilot's license to control one.

"We've all had dreams of flying effortlessly," aforesaid Page in a very statement. "I'm excited that at some point terribly presently i will be able to climb onto my Kitty Hawk Flyer for a fast and simple personal flight. sometime presently we have a tendency to hope you may be able to just do that, due to this team's diligence."

Before you get too excited, though it's about to be accessible for purchase within the U.S., homeowners square measure restricted to however they'll use it. in line with a FAQ page on the Kitty Hawk web site, the Flyer is meant for "uncongested areas within the U.S." and should be flown over H2O. So, no, you cannot hop during this for a grocery run or in hopes of dodging traffic caused by boring previous grounded cars.

The epitome and ultimate launch of the Kitty Hawk Flyer ought to pave the approach for a lot of vehicles, together with a real flying automobile

10 Great Books to Help You Find the Meaning of Life

For each of us, the meaning of life is different. But, we are all seeking answers so we can find our own meaning of life. For some of us, this is a lifelong journey. For others, it is a matter of taking the right steps to figure out why we are here, and what we are meant to do with our lives. There are several great books out there that can help you find the meaning of your own life. Here are our top 10 picks.

1. To be Told: Know Your Story, Shape Your Future

Dan Allender tends to use a lot of Christian language in his work, but his writing can help anyone who wants to learn more about themselves and do better in life. The more you know about yourself, the better able you will be to understand why you do what you do, and how to make changes that will lead to your success in life.

2. The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living

Author Howard Cutler wrote this Dalai Lama-inspired book for a Western audience. He talks about how important happiness is, and how easy it is to achieve.

3. A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose

Check your ego at the door, and enjoy a more abundant life. This is the message from spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle, who talks about how the ego is the cause of all conflict in life. This book was selected by Oprah Winfrey for her book club, and has been read by millions.

4. The Hundred-Year Marathon

This is a book chronicling the secret strategy of China to usurp the US as the global superpower. Author Michael Pillsbury, who has served in senior national security positions within the US government, uses his own personal knowledge of the subject (based on his career experiences) to give us this wake-up call to challenges within national security.

5. Let Your Life Speak

This book by Parker Palmer is a great book about work and meaning. The ideas in the book will help you with your vocation, by letting you see the author’s journey. There are loads of great quotes, which you are likely to read many times over for daily inspiration and affirmation.


6. The Celestine Prophecy

Written by James Redfield (also his first self-published book), The Celestine Prophecy is part adventure and part New Age spirituality. It is about one man’s journey around Peru to discover nine insights into spirituality. Yes, the plot may be a bit cheesy, but the story is insightful and captivating.

7. The Artist’s Way

This is a great book for artists who are stuck in their work. Read about the 12-week journey that will help you get back on track with your art so you can get back to working on the greatest masterpiece of your life.

8. The Alchemist
Written by Paulo Coelho, this is the story of a shepherd’s journey to the Egyptian pyramids to find treasure. Learn how to discover your own legend, be your own purpose, and understand omens.

9. Dream Year

This book is new this year, but it is good enough to be included in the company of these other great books. Written by Ben Arment, author ofSeattle’s Pitch Night, this book is for entrepreneurs and anyone else who has big dreams and wants to find ways to see those dreams come to fruition.

10. The Secret

Based on the 2004 film of the same title and written by Rhonda Byrne (television producer, Melbourne), The Secret talks about the laws of attraction. This is a book that is going to show you how to believe in what you want, and actually get it because you believe in it.

Things Everyone Should Know About Choosing An Insurance Agent

Many people believe that finding the right insurance is a struggle, yet that is just valid in the event that you don't have the foggiest idea about the correct approach to discover what you require. Like whatever else, you should be instructed about the correct approach to search for the protection you need in the event that you need to discover it. This article contains various tips on protection that will help you get what you are searching for.

In the event that you can stand to do as such, it is less expensive to pay your protection premiums at the same time instead of by making regularly scheduled installments. Most insurance agencies will charge intrigue and different expenses on top of your regularly scheduled installments, or may offer a markdown for paying in a solitary single amount.

To spare cash on your protection, you ought to audit the majority of your strategies in any event once every year. Conversing with your specialist about any progressions that have happened is a decent approach to remain state-of-the-art in your scope. Tell your operator about things you have included and things you don't have any more.

To spare cash on travel protection, begin by taking a gander at what you may as of now have secured. Most mortgage holder and tenant strategies cover robbery of property; many charge cards offer unintentional passing while voyaging on the off chance that you utilized the card to pay for the outing. Some even offer auto rental protection and additional things assurance.

To keep the cost of travel protection down you ought to verify what your present medical coverage plan would cover. A few strategies, and Medicare, don't offer any scope on the off chance that you are outside of the United States and domains, others may just cover the a settled sum for a mischance however nothing for infection that requires hospitalization.

As was expressed in the start of this article, finding the correct protection is truly a matter of training. On the off chance that you know the correct approach to search for protection, you will have a simpler time finding what you require. Apply the exhortation from this article and your funds and protection strategy will be a match made in paradise.

Free Online Auto Insurance Quote

Free Online Auto Insurance Quote Learn what you have to get the best collision protection arrangement for you. Regardless of whether you've recently purchased another auto, are hoping to change protection transporters or are just looking, getting an online auto protection cite from Liberty Mutual is secure, fast and simple. What Information Will I Need?

Your time is essential, and we'll attempt to get you through the quote procedure as fast as would be prudent. By and large we can fill your vehicle data in consequently in light of open records, however to make things less demanding, it's ideal on the off chance that you have the accompanying data nearby:• Your flow arrangement (in the event that you have one)

– this is useful as a source of perspective so you know what inclusions you as of now have • Driving record data from the most recent five years (counting mishaps, infringement and cases) for all drivers you'd like included on your strategy
• Driver's permit number(s)
• Your auto's make, model and year, and in addition its Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
• The odometer perusing for every auto you'd like a protection cite for
• The area where your vehicles are ordinarily stopped What Factors Will Affect My Rate? When you ask for an accident coverage cite online,there are three main considerations when your rate is calculated:
• Your Vehicle: The more costly an auto is to repair or supplant, the more it expenses to guarantee. Your vehicle's well being components can help bring down your collision protection quote,as can how frequently you drive the auto and what sort of driving it's utilized for (business or individual). Your Address: Where you live and stop your vehicle will influence your collision protection cite. Your Driving Record: Having less episodes, for example, mischances, moving infringement or claims in your driving record will help bring down your rate.

On the off chance that you as of now have an auto protection approach and are contrasting new auto protection cites with figure out what is best for you, ensure that you are looking at comparative scope, points of confinement and deductible sums. Much of the time Liberty Mutual can give different auto protection cites, any of which can be redone to meet your auto protection needs.

What Coverage is Best for Me? When acquiring an auto protection approach, you need to ensure that you're getting the scope you have to fit your particular circumstance. You can take in more in our Car Insurance Coverage area. In case you don't know what kind of scope you require, have a go at utilizing our Car Insurance Coverage Calculator.

This simple to-utilize instrument lets your view distinctive levels of accident protection scope to help you figure out what best fits your requirements. Consider the possibility that I Need to Talk to Someone?If you require help amid the online quote handle, we have a broad online help focus, and in addition an ongoing visit include. Obviously you can likewise dependably call us or contact a Local Agent to get a similar extraordinary protection cite involvement.

Free Online Auto Insurance Quote

The Big 5 of auto insurance coverage

Driving a car on the open road in the West is one of the great things we enjoy. But it's important to be protected when you're on the road. So talk to your professional insurance agent about The Big 5 of auto insurance coverage. Liability Insurance is there if you're the at fault driver in an auto accident. Uninsured and Under insured Motorist Coverage helps pay if the other driver's auto insurance doesn't cover the cost of your injuries or damage. Personal Injury Protection Insurance is there in case people in your vehicle or you yourself are injured in an accident. Collision Coverage helps pay to repair your car after a collision. Comprehensive coverage also helps pay to repair your car if say, a tree limb falls on it. These are important protections for your vehicle. Talk to your professional insurance agent today about The Big 5. Check out the NW Insurance Council's website for more information. Drive safe out there!

The Big 5 of auto insurance coverage

Individual and Family Health Insurance Plan 2017 Predictions

What will the future of health insurance hold? Let's just consult my magic disco ball. Hi, this is Kristi DeWitt-Quintero here, and I don't know what's going to happen to health insurance in 2017. Some people are holding onto the hope that miraculously it will all be cured before January 1, 2017. EEEEH! I don't think so!So here's what you're going to do: First of all, look at your options. What are your options?Well, you should go onto the ACA site and look at their plans OR you can contact me- I'm Kristi DeWitt-Quintero and you can email me at Kristi@PHXHealthInsurance. com, that's Kristi - K-R-I-S-T-I at Health Insurance. com. I don't know what the future holds, but I know what plans are available for 2017. So get a hold of me right away because my plans are saving people anywhere from $300- $1,000 per month per family. I hope you're in good spirits this holiday season, and I hope to make it even better. What will happen if they don't email me?Um, you'll probably spend a lot of money. Thanks so much - good luck out there! 

Individual and Family Health Insurance Plan 2017 Predictions

Insurance Market Outlook 2017

Thank you for tuning in. As you may know, each year, Wells Fargo Insurance publishes an Insurance Market Outlook, which provides a look forward to the coming year. In the report, our knowledgeable national practice leaders share their thoughts on 18 different coverage areas to give you the timely information you need to understand: today's market, market capacity, topical issues, and what's expected for the year ahead. Casualty and alternative risk national practice leader, Doug O'Brien, is here along with Meredith Schnur, professional risk national practice leader, to share some highlights of the report.

>> Well, I'm pleased to share that as we predicted in our 2016 Market Outlook, 2016 was a buyer's market for both property and casualty commercial insurance and affiliated lines. The majority of insureds experienced medium to high single-digit to low double-digit rate decreases. Abundant market capacity and competition for new business helped drive prices down overall for the majority of insureds, despite an environment of level or declining treasury yields.

>> Now, looking forward to 2017, experts predict the U. S. economy will continue to expand. Job growth means higher payroll, sales, more autos owned or leased for business purposes,increased construction, property expansion, and more, which will increase gross premiums underwritten. The majority of insureds will continue to see reductions, just not as high as in prior-years. We are beginning to see the pace of reductions slowing, and the market stabilizing somewhat. So, what are some of the specific factors and trends that will affect the 2017 market,Doug?

>> The specific factors and trends that will affect the 2017 market run a very wide gamut,but one we'll likely continue to hear about in 2017 is cyber liability, as noted by mycolleague Meredith Schnur, professional risk national practice leader. 

>> That's right, Doug. Cyber liability insurance, which is a newer product, continues to expand in scope as have the cyber attacks and high profile data breaches they are intended to cover. Impostor fraud is also growing, further increasing the focus on cyber crime. Aggregation is a concern for cyber carriers, because a single data privacy event could result in multiple claims reported to the same insurance companies. 

>> Some of the other notable factors and trends to watch for the 2017 market include: a continuedrise in medical inflation; expected changes to the Affordable Care Act,which may make coverage less available or increase costs, and which may drive injured people to file workers' compensation claims in lieu of healthcare claims; terrorist events increasingly occurring on U. S. soil; Florida workers' compensation premiums were raised 15% following a court ruling on negotiated fee agreements, although that hike is now delayed due to another court ruling; the elimination of the option for employers to opt out of the Workers' Compensation Act in Oklahoma, which will likely drive up employer costs;an increase in securities class action filings; and a continued carrier focus on data analytics in the underwriting process. 

All told, we believe insurers will sustain underwriting profitability, resulting in the continuance of a buyer's market. Buyers of guaranteed-cost or low-deductible programs will experience lower reductions and likely single-digit increases in 2017, compared to buyers of large deductible and retention programs. Visit our website at wfis. wells fargo. com to read our full 2017 Insurance Market Outlook,with information on specific coverage areas, trends, and premium pricing forecasts.

Insurance Market Outlook 2017

Insurance Information: How to become an insurance agent

We're here to discuss the intricate details of protection. Today, will talk about, how to wind up distinctly a protection office. Only a little foundation that you may need. Most organizations that are searching for protection offices, or operators, don't really require an advanced education, however it is profoundly suggested that you do have no less than a four year college education.

It truly doesn't make a difference what that degree is in, yet a four year college education is useful. A portion of the identity qualities that may help you in this calling, is you should will to go out and meet and converse with individuals, in light of the fact that in all reality, you are a professional,but you're likewise a sales representative, and you need the capacity to chat with individuals, and associate well with individuals. In turning into a Insurance  Specialist, there are a few unique tracks that you can take. 

Insurance Information: How to become an insurance agent
One of the least demanding and most normal tracks individuals take, is to apply to be a specialist, with what is brought in the business, an immediate essayist company,or a select organization, or a hostage office, for example, State Farm Insurance, or Allstate Insurance, or Farmers, and there are numerous different organizations, that do that. The advantages to beginning your vocation as a protection agent,with one of these sorts of organizations, is they give a lot of preparing. They do offer sponsored pay bundles, in your initial years. The way a protection specialist gets paid, is a commission, in view of the premiums that are accumulated on the protection arrangements, that are sold,and as your book of customer base increases,then clearly, your wage level will build, so in the early years, it can be hard to get built up as a protection operator, since you don't make a gigantic measure of cash, off of every individual approach, in advance. 

After some time however, notwithstanding, you will gather a huge customer base, and your wages will increment. Working with a hostage company,you do get typically better than average preparing, the improved pay arranges in the early years,but there are a few disadvantages to acting as a hostage operator, since you are attached to quite recently that one organization, and you're constrained to what that organization can do. One of alternate roads that you can take to end up distinctly a protection operator, is to go to work for a free protection specialist. 

An autonomous protection operator, is somebody who does not really speak to only one bearer, but rather speaks to various transporters, and numerous sorts of protection. A portion of the benefits of working with a free protection specialist, is that you are not tied into any one organization. You can really coordinate the organization, or go out and look fora organization, that matches the customers that you have. 

A portion of the drawbacks to it, is that there are not typically any appropriation accessible to you, to help you begin, thus you truly need to recognize what you're doing. There's not as much preparing gave. It's to a greater degree a hands on learning knowledge.

The best insurance tips for millennials

5 best protection tips for millennialsAdulting (verb) - acting like a grown-up or taking part in exercises normally connected with adulthood, frequently mindful or exhausting tasks.1

In case you're a millennial, you know this definition great. You've achieved the age where you might take out understudy advances, purchasing or leasing a place to live, having children and, eventually, obtaining protection. These real life occasions for millennials make it critical to have a money related security net. What's more, that is precisely what protection is: a monetary security net. So it's disturbing that a study from Princeton Survey Research Associates International named millennials the most under insured era.

There are many reasons why individuals of all eras abstain from obtaining protection. It's regularly observed as a major venture, however that doesn't really imply that it's a costly one. Truth be told, protection most likely costs short of what you think. For example, as indicated by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), millennials overestimated the cost of tenants protection by more than five circumstances its genuine cost every year.

Additionally, the convoluted terms can make finding an arrangement a confusing knowledge and the topic can be difficult to process. Nobody needs to consider being in a pile up, encountering a break in, losing everything in a flat fire or whatever other kind of awful, surprising occasion. Be that as it may, these things can happen, so you'll need to be readied.

What's more, don't give any underlying perplexity or assumptions a chance to push you away. You're a millennial, all things considered! Your era is continually handling new difficulties and growing the way the world works, in many cases in splendid ways.

Protection gives basic budgetary assurance to your future, so now's an ideal opportunity to begin "adulting" and venture out.

Here are five tips for purchasing protection:

Shop keen. When searching for protection, your No. 1 need ought to be to discover satisfactory scope. Cost is vital, yet you'll need to figure out what sort of scope you require first. At that point you can fit that scope into your financial plan and figure out which transporter can furnish you with the most extensive approach for your circumstance. You might be enticed to pick protection with the least sticker price, yet in the event that you don't have enough scope (or the correct sort of scope), you will see less money related advantage when it comes time to record a claim.

Search for rebates. When you assess your scope needs, calculate your financial plan and discover approaches to spare. Inquire as to whether there are any rebates on your scope. Regularly, bearers offer rebates for things like forking over the required funds, staying car collision free or, in case you're in school, getting decent evaluations. You additionally can spare cash by "packaging" numerous arrangements, for example, acquiring a home and auto strategy from a similar transporter.

Fill in the crevices. A normal approach will cover the nuts and bolts, however you may need to add additional scope to meet your interesting needs. For example, you may have things like hardware or a pleasant bit of adornments that would be monetarily hard to supplant, even with the help of your normal leaseholders or mortgage holders strategy. You might need to include extra scope for these things.

Buy disaster protection—you aren't excessively youthful. Disaster protection is fundamental, regardless of how youthful or old you are. What's more, for millennials, purchasing now might be a savvy move since it's less expensive to purchase a life coverage approach when you're youthful and solid. This sort of protection can help your family take care of unforeseen expenses in your nonappearance, including understudy credit obligation or a home loan, notwithstanding end-of-life expenses. What's more, on the off chance that you have children, an extra security strategy can likewise bolster their training or childcare costs. Furthermore, every millennial ought to consider long haul handicap scope, which helps you remain above water monetarily if a mishap happens and you get to be distinctly handicapped and not able to work.

Converse with a free operator. A free protection specialist is a basic asset when buying protection—particularly if this is your first time. An autonomous specialist works with numerous diverse bearers, which is not the same as hostage operators who can just offer protection from the transporter they work for. Working with a free operator can help ensure that you are getting the best scope, at the best cost. You'll likewise profit by autonomous specialists' protection learning; they know how to talk you through your choices and really clarify what every arrangement incorporates. A free specialist will ensure the greater part of your benefits are secured, help you discover rebates or different approaches to spare, and be a significant asset as your life changes and your protection needs change, as well.

The best insurance tips for millennials