Website WikiLeaks, a revelation that Steve Jobs died of AIDS

People are literally a world known Julian Assange because he is deputy editor-in-chief website WikiLeaks is not a news organization earning a published but the secret of the world.

He has had many problems in the past, including charges of sexual assault on a Swedish, but he denied the charges. Computer programmer, 45, also known hacks into Pentagon website and other mobile telecommunications.

They know that WikiLeaks is only goal is to reveal the secret to anyone in the world, and recently this website released released from the medical report of Steve Jobs.

Above the original medical documents claiming to be Steve Jobs, who had been on September 1, 2004. HIV SxCheck is where Steve Jobs' health and health ticket was held here.

If the reports published by WikiLeaks is true, then the death of Steve Jobs with pancreatic cancer may also have occurred in patients HIV is very high.

Many people have criticized Wikileaks report published that is not completely useless because the tests took place in 2004, while SxCheck was born in 2006. However, there is another story, said SxCheck published test results of Steve Jobs, who tested with its parent company is the Adult Industry Medical Health Care Organisation, which was established in the 80's. Others have also criticized WikiLeaks loud because it is purely private Steve Jobs.

However, despite a report that revealed that Julian Assange may be true or pure innovation, Steve Jobs is still the man who earned respect from many people he changed the world with your iPhone.


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