How to clean a burnt stainless steel pot

How to clean a burnt stainless steel pot take a look at these pots now these parts look pretty darn new and they're not I can assure you that I got them for my birthday fifteen years ago so my wife told me and they're not particularly expensive so they're not high quality but the reason they look pretty darn good is because I've created the slurry solution in these parts duplication and as you can see it looks Brandon everybody this is Marcus Allen editor and publisher love the local so what's my secret well the secret is that I put into the pot distilled vinegar so it's down all a quarter of the way up and I and 1 teaspoon of baking soda and I let sit overnight and then I just pourd out.

I do a quick cleanup in the same and I'm good to go now another reason why these possible so dark it is because over the last fifteen years .

I've made a lot of tasty dishes in these parts however sometimes some other stuff is Burke to the bottom of the pot and I have a very very awesome simple non-toxic way his three simple ingredients in your kitchen to lift that Burke gone of the bottom of the pan and rises to the top in about five minutes and then you just put into the sink into one quick final wash in order to go to get that tip want to do is click on the link that's the short right now and those your screens check it out see how I used three simple ingredients to lift any stuck on this of any Potter care How to clean a burnt stainless steel pot 


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