Method: Put a Shared Page on Facebook

Facebook is about sharing – whether you are sharing a straightforward announcement, including a "Like" Button or Embeded Web content into your organization's Facebook page, the informal organization gives the instruments to offer you some assistance with communicating with your organization's fans. With the presentation of the "course of events" organization comes better approaches to highlight shared substance, including bigger pictures, "pinned" upgrades and Open Graph labels that offer you to impart your own Web some assistance to shared your owns website more effectively.

1.Make a Facebook page for your business on the off chance that you haven't done as such as of now. Things you share on your business page will show up in your fans' courses of events generally as your own upgrades show up on your companions' timetables. To make a Facebook page, log in to your Facebook account and click like "Pages" on the left side of your news feed. Facebook will show you through the process.
2.Share any Web page with the goal that it shows up in your fans' news feeds by pasted the URL into status on your Facebook page. When you paste a URL, Facebook will retrieve the page's Headlines, description and a thumbnail photo if available. You may edit the appearance of the link and add a comment before posting. When your update looks right, click "Post."
3.Add Open Graph tags to your organization's Web pages to upgrade them when they're shared on Facebook. Open Graph tags are meta tags that you can put in the header of your pages to determine the page title, site name, thumbnail picture and different parts of a page. You can make Open Graph meta tags on Facebook's Like Button page.
4.Include a "Like" button to your organization's site to urge your perusers/readers to share your arcticles on Facebook. At the point when a peruser/reader clicks "Like," the page will show up on their friend's news feeds. In the event that you use Open Graph tags to characterize your site, it will show up in the same Facebook pages show up, for example, in ventures and in the "Likes and Interests" area of the profiles of the facebook user who click "Like."
5.Embed pages or other HTML data using a Static HTML app Install pages or other HTML information utilizing a Static HTML application to make a tab on your organization's Facebook page. To include the Static HTML application, write "Static HTML" in Facebook's pursuit box and pick "Static HTML: Iframe Tabs" from the list items. Click "Go to App" on the "Static HTML: Iframe Tabs" page and take after the prompts. The application includes an "Appreciated" tab to your Facebook page, and when you tap on the tab, you can include your custom HTML. For guidelines on including code, tap the "FAQ and Help Center" connection at the highest point of your new tab.
6.Good Luck!


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